A “Go get them; I will be open; I will learn; I will figure it out” type attitude is one of the hardest things to learn. And it is one of the most valuable things that anyone can have. Sure, it's not easy, but if you show up, ready to give your all and ready to figure it out, no matter what, especially when people are counting on you, you are already halfway there.

I'm originally from the East African coast, or Kenya, the land of safaris, and I'm currently based in Austin, TX. I am obsessed with all things technology and travel. I'm a globetrotter who has lived in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and North America. An epic memoir of my travels is forthcoming once I conquer Australia! When I’m not problem solving, I’m geeking out with the latest tech gadget, experimenting with bees, or experiencing the Austin art scene with my dog Jethro!

I’ve been developing travel & hospitality technology & business solutions for 20+ years due to my insatiable curiosity about the consumer experience and helping businesses connect with their customers by putting them at the center of everything.


Integrity is aligning one's actions with values that cultivate trust, transparency, and respect in all relationships.

Every Airplane Can Fly!

Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude.